There are many types of fire egress signs that you can put up on commercial buildings. You could use signs that indicate minor cautions like avoiding construction areas, or you could use signs that direct new visitors to various locations. Egress signs consist of the biggest percentage of interior building signs. But the most important type of building signs are by far the fire safety egress signs.
Fire safety egress signs inform the occupants about places to go in the event of a fire. These signs come in various styles and sport various messages. But there are 3 basic types of fire safety signs that every residential or commercial building should contain – these include fire signs, running man signs and assisted rescue area signs. Here is why these signs are so important to fire safety:
Fire Signs: Such signs use wording like “In case of a Fire”, which is then followed by a sort of safety command like “Do not use Elevators” or “Use this Exit”. Most fire signs are used to show building occupants the way towards the exits. Most of these signs will instruct people to use the stairwells.
Running Man Signs: These are egress signs that aren’t really thought of as fire safety signs. The running man’s sign is generally used to direct evacuees to exit’s within a vertical exit enclosure. Sometimes these signs contain no words and instead depict stick figures running in a certain direction, indicating where evacuees should go.
Assisted Area Rescue Signs: These indicate all the safe areas where occupants who can’t use the stairs can be helped by fire fighters. This is specifically for those occupants who use wheelchairs or crutches.
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