A lot of people who work at construction sites wonder whether they should be using hard hats or bump caps while working. Before deciding which one to use, it is very important to know the differences between the two. The biggest difference between a hard hat and a bump cap is that the hard hats comply with ANSI and are required by OSHA. The bump cap on the other hand is not as effective as the hard hat.
Both hard hats as well as bump caps are used at construction sites as protective head gear. People who work in hazardous areas are required to wear protective equipment. Bump caps are made of low density polyethylene or plastic and are designed with a lightweight shell. The only type of protection it can give is to protect the head from minor bumps and injuries.
Hard hats on the other hand are the best choice for head protection. Hard hats are made up of high density polyethylene, nylon, plastic and lightweight thermoplastic resins. The hard hat also has a suspension system that is made of plastic, nylon and a combination of other materials.
OSHA has made it compulsory to use hard hats at workplaces where head injuries can happen unexpectedly.
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